How to place an order ?
To place an order, you need an online account that has been approved.
If you have never had a David Hart account before, click here.
If you have an approved account:
- Make sure that you are on
and NOT (this is a retail website which comes up on top of search on Google and looks very similar). - Before you shop, make sure you log in. Click on
in right top corner of the website.
- We recommend to save as your favourite bookmark.
- You can browse the store:
- by category on homepage,
- by brand
- you can also search
for product name, product code or barcode.
- Each product page shows you a convenient pack size, but you are ordering in units*, and you can order less than a full outer pack (example below).
*The only exemption is BEL brand which you will only be able to order in full outers.
- Minimum order for free delivery is £100 net for UK mainland.
- Select your payment option during check out.
- Click "Review order"
- Click "Complete order"
- You should now see your order confirmation.